Friday, May 23, 2014

Helping Hands Wanted

Sisters! We are so excited for all the service opportunities we will have this summer! Please use this blog to record these experiences. :) Keep in mind the following quote from Sister Burton's talk:

"Between now and the day the Lord comes again, He needs women in every family, in every ward, in every community, in every nation who will step forward in righteousness and say by their words and their actions, 'Here am I, send me.' "My questions is, 'Will you be one of those women? resounding "Yes!" As true disciples, may we offer our willing hearts and our helping hands to hasten His work. It does not matter if we have only one hand. It does not matter if we are not yet perfect and complete. We are devoted disciples who reach out and help each other along the way. Our sisterhood reaches across the generations to those faithful sisters who have walked before. Together, as sisters and in unity with living prophets, seers, and revelators with restored priesthood keys, we can walk as one, as disciples, as servants with willing hearts and hands to hasten the work of salvation. As we do, we will become like the Savior. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

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